Why Andorra ?

Nature first
In the heart of the Pyrenees mountains, the small principality of Andorra offers 310+ of sunny days per year, some of the best ski slopes in Europe and a wide range of outdoor activities from spring to winter.
Take some fresh air in the heights - and if you miss the sea, the beaches near Barcelona are only a 2 hours away !

Salut i força al canut*
When you live between Spain and south of France, you are 100% sure to enjoy the best wines from both countries (they even make some in Andorra) and to eat delicious food - either in the traditional bordas or the trendiest restaurants and bars the city offers.
And if you are a party lover... you'll probably après-ski parties in the winter or the Andorra Mountain Music festival in summer.
*Cheers... and strength to your balls! (what people say when toasting a drink in Catalunya)

Keep your sats
Andorra's tax environment makes it very special for every bitcoiner or digital entrepreneur who seeks to escape their local tax hell while still enjoying excellent public services.
10% business tax, 10% income tax, 10% capital gains tax + among the cheapest electricity and fastest internet speed in Europe: it's like Andorra was made for bitcoiners !